3 Compelling Reasons To Seek Chiropractic Treatment After A Car Accident


Visiting a chiropractor is not something some people would think about after getting involved in a car accident. But a chiropractor is an expert who can be of great help, particularly after sustaining spinal and musculoskeletal injuries. Read on to discover the benefits of seeking chiropractic treatments. 1. Reduced Inflammation As you are perhaps aware, chiropractic adjustments involve manipulating muscles and joints. This helps reduce the levels of inflammatory agents in the body.

5 January 2022

3 Main Uses Of Chiropractic Therapy For Pregnancy


Chiropractic therapy for pregnancy is something chiropractors can offer to pregnant women or those planning on getting pregnant. Pregnancy chiropractic care can include a wide variety of chiropractic techniques used specifically to help chiropractors provide relief from common pregnancy complaints, such as back pain, pelvic pain, leg cramps, headaches, and others. Pregnancy-related chiropractic treatment modalities vary depending on the chiropractor's training and expertise but may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapies (trigger point therapy), diversified technique, or craniosacral therapy.

13 October 2021

Back Pain: How Can Chiropractors Help?


Back pains are the leading cause of disabilities worldwide, preventing many people from working or engaging in everyday activities. With many jobs requiring workers to sit for long hours, it's no surprise this is a common problem among Americans as well. When your back is hurting, it becomes difficult to even perform simple everyday tasks like picking up something from the ground, putting on a shirt, or standing for long periods.

25 June 2021

5 Types Of Injuries That Might Need Physical Rehabilitation


Physical rehabilitation is a crucial procedure that can help people recover from injuries. Therefore, it can help patients return to an active and healthy state within a short time. But when do you need physical rehabilitation? Here are five types of injuries treated through physical rehabilitation. 1. Sport Injuries If you participate in any sport, you are at high risk of injuries such as stress fractures. Unfortunately, these injuries can affect your career.

9 March 2021

4 Chiropractic And Self Treatments That Might Help Your Back Pain


Back pain has many causes, so it's important to see a chiropractor to find out why your back hurts. You might have a problem with a muscle, nerve, disc, or bone in your back or spine. A chiropractor can run tests to find out the reason for your condition and then develop a treatment plan. You may also need to do things at home to help your back heal. Here are four things that might help your back pain depending on the cause.

6 October 2020

Chiropractor Therapy For Triathletes: Proactive Recovery


Triathlon training is about as demanding on the body as any training you can undertake. One of the ways to not only survive but also thrive through your training cycles is by adopting proactive recovery strategies. Here are some of the ways that a chiropractic clinic can help you stay healthier during your triathlon buildup. Trigger Point Release Junctions in your muscles can become less pliable and responsive during heavy training cycles.

28 December 2019

All About Sciatica


You have a nerve that goes from your lower back down both of your legs. This nerve is called the sciatica, and if you have a healthy back, then you may never have a reason to learn about this nerve. However, should you end up aggravating your back in a way that causes inflammation around the nerve, or if you have an injury such as a bulged disc, then you can quickly and painfully be introduced to this nerve.

4 September 2019