
Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain


Are you experiencing lower back pain? If so, it's important to figure out why. Pain in the lower back can be caused by many different conditions, illnesses, and problems, some of them serious and some not so serious. Whatever the reason, however, it's important for you to know what it is. That's the only way you're going to get rid of your lower back pain. Plus, if a serious underlying condition is causing the lower back pain, you want to be able to remedy it as soon as possible.

18 April 2015

What Are The Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis When Left Untreated?


While rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis both have a negative impact on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis can occur at an earlier age and is more difficult to treat. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body's immune system attacks it's own tissues. This can lead to severe pain, inflammation and disfigurement over time. However, if rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed early, the symptoms can be treated so that they are more manageable. These are some of the common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis that occur if this disease is not treated.

15 April 2015

Natural Back Pain Treatment: How A Chiropractor Can Give You Relief


Are you stressed due to losing sleep from dealing with back pain? You may want to take a trip to a chiropractor and find out if a few sessions will bring you some pain relief. In this article, learn how natural treatment methods performed by a chiropractor can help your back. How Can a Chiropractor Treat Back Pain Naturally? To begin your session, the chiropractor will ask you where you are experiencing pain in your back, so it can be the focus of treatment.

14 April 2015

5 Ways To Relieve Pain From A Pinched Nerve


A pinched nerve in your back can cause you anywhere from mild to severe pain. If you have a pinched nerve in your back, try one of the methods below to relieve the pain you are experiencing. Rest-Up One of the easiest ways to treat a pinched nerve is to get some rest. Your busy schedule can cause the pain in your back to flair up. Sometimes, all you need to do to relieve the pain you are feel is slow down.

14 April 2015

Alternative Techniques In Chiropractic Care


When most people think about chiropractic care, they think of standard manual spinal manipulations performed by a chiropractor. However, this is just one means by which chiropractors can help realign the spine and the rest of the skeletal system, and help you to reduce your daily aches and pains and feel happier and healthier. Get to know some of the chiropractic supplies and techniques that can be used in your chiropractic care to improve and diversify your treatments.

13 April 2015

3 Ways Your Chiropractor Can Help You Recover From A Soft Tissue Injury


Soft tissue injuries can occur in your muscles, ligaments, or tendons. They are particularly painful because they are accompanied by inflamed nerves. You can sustain a soft tissue injury through exercise, wrong movements, or repetitive motion.  Soft tissue injuries are hard to treat, but your chiropractor is an expert at healing them. Your chiropractor can not only treat your soft tissue injury, but also teach you effective ways to improve your range of movement so that you do not repeat it.

1 April 2015

Your Pain Management: New Chiropractic Innovations To Help You


When it comes to pain management, many people rely on a combination of medical interventions such as prescription pain medication and alternative medicine such as chiropractic care. For many people, going to the chiropractor is their primary go-to when they begin to experience aches and pains, particularly back pain. And while standard chiropractic manual manipulations can work wonders for your aches and pains, chiropractors are always looking for new ways to help their patients feel better and manage their pain properly.

31 March 2015

Many Chiropractors Are Authorized To Perform DOT Physicals


As a truck driver, you need a medical certificate verifying you don't have any health issues that could make commercial driving unsafe. You may not be aware that chiropractors can perform your U.S. Department of Transportation physical exam to keep your commercial driver's license in good standing. This may be a convenient option for you. Who is Authorized to Perform These Exams? Although many people assume only medical and osteopathic doctors can perform DOT physicals, other kinds of health practitioners are allowed to do so as well.

30 March 2015

Having Frequent Migraines? Your Neck Might Be To Blame


If you're having frequent migraines, it's wise to see your doctor to rule out sinister causes such as brain tumors and chemical imbalances. Often, however, doctors fail to identify an exact cause for patients' migraines. You're simply sent home, told your headaches are something you will have to learn to deal with, and perhaps prescribed a medication to make them less severe or frequent. As it turns out, many migraines that doctors tend to quickly dismiss as genetic or unexplainable are, in fact, caused by tension in the neck.

30 March 2015

Seven Ways To Lessen Your Back Pain


Low back pain affects 60-80% of the adult population. Thankfully, there are a lot of things you can do to relieve this common problem. 1. Get a deep tissue massage. You can do this through your chiropractor or massage therapist. It will loosen your muscles, increase your circulation, and release endorphins (which will lower your pain levels). Some people see getting a massage as a "treat," but when you have back or neck pain, it is a necessity.

30 March 2015